Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hama Beads

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 7:20 AM

I have been trying a different craft these days. After the felt attack, the crochet and the amigurumi obsession... now I have a Hama Beads! (Somebody said Diogenes syndrome?)

Hama Beads are plastic beads that you arrange in a peg to create an image. When you apply heat to your creation, beads melt and merge in a uniform surface.

I 've only tried a few things but it's easy and entertaining. And you can do geeky things!
These beads are perfect  to make pixelated forms, and what is more pixelated than a videogame character?  
I have tried a Bubble Bobble dragon, a worm from Worms, a Chocobo from the Final Fantasy saga and a pair of ghosts from Pacman.

1 comment:

  1. Jaja, ¡la verdad es que no siento remordimiento alguno! :)
    ¡Te han quedado superchulas!
    Ánimo, ¡y si hay que ir a por materiales avisa que me he subido bastante el hamacraft! :)



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