Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mulder and Scully

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 7:05 AM

These chibi dolls were a gift for a friend who is a huge X-Phile (X files fan). She recognized them on the spot, I feel very proud of it hehehe.

I was a huge fan of this series too and I have a great time doing these amigurumi. I wanted Scully to have her classic hair cut. And of course Mulder has green eyes and Dana's are blue.

Mulder wears a blue tie because when I was designing the doll he looked like this in my mind.

 He also has Duchovny's  characteristic (and sexy) nose

Dr Scully and her red medium-short haircut

I'm glad Judith liked them. It was hard to let them go...just as the characters in the series. Mulder and Scully are probably the fictional characters I miss the most, I'm not sure why.

Please, tell me what you think!


  1. Maravillosos!me encantan!

  2. Con truebelievers, se nos distingue.. x-ofilicos suena raro ;-b

  3. ya, ya... por cierto, mola más sin la confirmación ;-b

  4. Acabo de conocer tu blog y me ha encantado!!!para no perderme nada te sigo desde ya!!!
    Un saludo!!

  5. Laura te han quedado genial, eres una artistaza.Un besote



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