Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Freddie Mercury: the making off (Part 1)

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 4:35 PM

It's been a long time since I wanted to make a felt Freddie Mercury doll. I had its pieces already cut out, but they were abandoned in a box because of  my lack of time. Now, with the resolution of finisihing it, I'm on the task again.

I thought that I may post pictures of the process as well.

This is what  I used:
-A cardboard template (I made one  from a cereal box).
-Felt in yellow, white, dark brown, flesh and red
-Sewing Machine.

Un molde en cartón de cereales, hilo, tijeras, fieltro, safety eyes, agujas y...

STEP 1: The head:

I sew two dark brown felt pieces placing the flesh one in the middle and I left a small part without sewing ti stuff it and put the eyes. I made a mistake and I sew all the head with the flesh colored thread. Don't do that, match it, please. 

Before closing I placed the safety eyes and sew his characteristic moustache. I thought that at this stage looked  like Ned Flanders...

STEP  2:  Body:

It was late fot me to sew it inside out and then turn it (the best way to do it)  since I had the pieces already cut for a long time ago. I sew it carefully and the finish product was not that bad. With the body measures I did the shirt and I hand sewed it.

STEP  3: Clothes
The pants were sewn inside out and then turned....and they fit! Woohooo!!

I added two red stripes to the sides:

Now... the jacket... this is going to be challenging...



  1. Justamente lo estoy haciendo :D me estas ayudando mucho

  2. Me alegro de que os guste y de que os sirva el paso a paso! Besotes!

  3. qeu lindo muñeco ..lo voy a hacer =)
    ademas yo soy fanatica de QUEEN

  4. daniela mercury taylor may deaconDecember 12, 2012 at 2:04 PM

    pero que siga con los paso!! =)

  5. Oye ese es mi nick daniela salazar xD

  6. lo hatremos!!!

  7. daniela mercury taylor may deaconDecember 12, 2012 at 2:08 PM

    jajaja... que hablas ese es mi nick ..y solo mio .jaja



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