Monday, August 12, 2013

Bride and Groom (III)

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 1:51 PM
 And here I am with another bride and groom post. As it happened with the former couple I showed you, this was a comission by a bride's close friend. She provided me with a (gorgeous) picture taken the day of the wedding, so it was easier to reproduce the style of the dress, hair and groom's vest and tie color.

The couple was kissing in the picture I was provided with, so I was asked to reproduce that in amigurumi. I cannot show you the  original picture, but I swear it looked like this:

I had to sew their arms to each other so they could stay in that position, so you can say that they are together until thread do them part... hahaha

The bride before being sewn to his groom

bridal profile

One of the main features of the picture I was given is the enormous bun the bride rocked for her wedding day that really, really suit her. She was stunning.

So I tried to make a voluminous bun to the doll as well:


White bouquet

He wears a matching boutonniere  in white

Vest and tie in grey for the groom

So they did tie (or sew) the knot. You may now kiss the bride:



  1. ¡Son una monada! Me encanta el detalle del lacito en el vestido, el ramo, el moño, los gestos, ¡seguro que les encantaron!

  2. qué lindos!!! me encantan que se besen !!!!!

    1. ¡Gracias! Y no ha hecho falta gritarles "QUE SE BESEN; QUE SE BEEEEEEESEN! ni nada ;)



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