Saturday, January 7, 2012


Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 11:01 PM
I'm sad, Christmas season is over. My body is grateful for after so many huge meals, though.
I wanted to show you the presents that I had given and had received this year:

In Spain the Three Wise Men are the ones who bring the presents instead of Santa, but this year my presents came with the old man in red instead. This is what I got in Christmas Eve:

A wonderful sewing machine! I'm so eager to learn to make things with it!At first seems complicated bu I hope that soon I will learn how to use it eficiently.

I also got a musical DVD pack and a crochet book:

These are the ones prepared for my brother, his girlfriend and my boyfriend, Carlos:

This was also a present for Carlos, these wise men know we like Disney:

And then, the Secret Santas with my colleagues from my crafting groups.  You can call it a handmade secret santa, since tjhe only rule was that all the presents were handmade. It was really fun.

This is what I got in one of the groups. It's a mouse pincushion you can put in your finger while you'r sewing so you have everything on hand, literally. I simply love it. Great idea.

This is the mini Kokeshi doll I made:

I enjoy making these dolls  and people seem to like them, so I made another one fot the other group tooI added a cloud felt brooch.

I also made this Jiji Cat for a project called " The most magical day", organized by a local radio. The intention was to collect items (handmade or not) to donate to a local shelter so nobody was left without presents in Christmas. 

The pics are not very good but I swear it's soft and huggable in person :D


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