Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 2:10 PM
"Just one more thing..."

Do you remember detective Columbo?  I'm sure you do. Who has not seen one (or twenty) episode in which the eternally scruffy looking detective investigated, doubted and arrested the bad guys. Always with his  characteristic cigar in hand, of course. 

Columbo was another of the characters chosen as a gift in my wedding. It was for my friend Waldesca, a real fan (she loves vintage TV, lol!) and who loved the doll the moment she saw it.

In this pic he's not smoking yet :

Now with his cigar:

I tried to reproduce this famous pose of the character, as if he was thinking that something was wrong: 

And, as you can see, he wears his beige trench coat  a belt and a black tie. He also has bushy eyebrows, uncombed hair, and  part of a cigar in his hand..

The new owner recognized the doll on the spot ( wooohooo!!) and she even suggested us to get married again because she wanted a Jessica Fletcher doll ...

How do you like him?


  1. ¡Es genial! Qué majo el pelo, ¡y con puro y todo! Increíble!
    Ostras, pues una Jessica Fletcher tiene que ser la monda, juas juassss!

  2. Ohhh.. que bakan como te quedó el peloooo... cómo lo hiciste, me cuesta tanto aún :(



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