Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kratos Sackboy

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 12:29 PM

This is a a sackboy version doll of Kratos, from God of War,  I made it for my brother. He is a huge fan of this videogame and I knew he was going to love it.

Kratos (God of War)

Kratos sackboy (Little Big Planet)

He was asking for a doll like this since I learned to make amigurumis, but  you know, familiarity breeds contempt.

In my defense  I can say that it has been one of the most toilsome dolls I have ever made. It's twice the size of any other character I have made and it has more than 20 different parts ... it was a long sewing process!

The fingers was the most difficult part since they are really small tubes. In fact, I had to repeat the hands because I was not really happy with how they looked.

The chains over the arms and legs, the belt and the wait wrap are independent pieces sewn one by one onto the body

This is his angry face, You can see here his scar and beard:

back side:

side view:

I hope you like it !


  1. Te ha quedado muy logrado!! Cuanto detalle!!


  2. Hola! Madre mía, si que tuvo que dar trabajo.Yo creo que para mí lo más difícil serían las manos, con sus deditos y todo... Pero mereció la pena porque te quedó chulísimo.

    Un abrazo.

    1. Gracias Auria, los dedos fueron lo peor, pero estoy contenta de como ha quedado. Gracias!!

  3. Hola, acabo de descubrir tu blog. Te ha quedado súper bien, menuda pasada el nivel de detalle!! Te añado a mi lista de blogs que sigo porque haces cosas preciosas :-)

  4. I admire you for the ability to decorate your amigurumi with so much small details T____T

    I really love this Kratos sackboy ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆



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