Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 3:35 PM
I signed up  for some crafting classes in October. Silvia, the teacher from the amigurumi workshop was going to be the teacher and I was eager to learn more about  amigurumis and creative sewing.  This is what I have made by now in class.

An amigurumi jellyfish and a cat brooch: 

We learn to make a pincushion too (no photo, sorry), but I like the design so much that I made a mini version of it to wear it as a brooch!

1 comment:

  1. Laura!!! Estas hecha una artista. Auqnue ya no seamos compis te sigo en la distancia y me encantan tus "cosicas". Muchos besicos desde Ballobar.



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