Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leia... I am your mother

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 9:19 AM
You have no idea of how many silly things occurred to me to begin this post. Things i "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far  away, two amigurumi, made with different yarns... " And so on. So I'm going to just show  you these two amigurumis of Leia and Amidala. I made them a long time ago but I hadn't post them yet.

Amidala  has a terrible skin color... but you know, she has to come back from the after life to give Leia the breaking news (Well that, and that I had no skin color yarn back then)

Leia was a gift for my aunt in law, Blanca, a big fan of  Star Wars.  She loved the doll and now Leia is in a special place in her (wonderful ) living room

The  Amidala pattern was taken from Defective Geeks (you can find it in here). I have no written Leia pattern, but it is just a modification of the Amidala pattern. 

What do you think?

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