Thursday, August 30, 2012

Another Freddie!

Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 8:57 AM

It's been a long time since my last post, but I was working in new comissions and I couldn't show in what I was working yet. Now I'm finished,  today there will be double post!

After the felt one, today I want to show you my version in amigurumi of the one and only Freddie Mercury. I'm already working in a bigger version for a special comission, but for now, here's mini Freddie.

He's dressed in the emblematic outfit of the Wembley concert: yellow jacket, white t-shirt and white pants with red and yellow side stripes.

Here's a picture for reference:

His famous moustache is made of felt so it looks fluffier :

The back of the jacket and the stripes:

I want to add  a microphone but I have to think a way to do one that looks tolerable enough... I'm thinking in adding some chest hair too, what do you think?


  1. Moníiiiisimo, pelos en el pecho? te vas a meter en semejante embolado???

  2. aun no lo se, pero como la natura se despelucha... igual si ^^

  3. hola,me a enamorado tu amigurumi de freddie,y me encantaria poder hacerlo si serias tan amable de enviarme el patron.



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