Sunday, March 18, 2012


Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 9:18 AM

The Sleeping Beauty was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I'm not sure why, but Disney villains had always attracted me and Malefice was my favorite among them. She is one of the greatest bad guys, don't you think?

And admit it: she rocks that gothic look in purple and black:

So, long story short, I wanted to make a Malefice mini doll 

My version has a sweeter face, she doesn't look evil at all:

 It's made without a pattern (Laura goes freestyle again!) and she has a felt cape. I hope you like her!


  1. acabo de encontrar tu blog!
    te ha salio super bien
    es mi villana favorita de disney también

  2. Mira lo que he encontrado:



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