Saturday, June 2, 2012


Posted by Laura (Moñacos, Cosicas y Meriendacenas) at 3:32 AM

I've already mentioned in this blog how much I do love Lilo and Stitch. I cannot describe the magnitude of the fondness and  tenderness they produce me. Maybe it's because Lilo reminds me of myself when I was little (in fact, some people now call me Lilo). I don't know.

The thing is that one of my favorite moments of the movies is when Lilo wants to play with the other girls who are playing with their dolls. Lilo has no money to buy dolls, so she made herself one. The doll is ugly and imperfect, but she loves it anyway.

 Scrump is the name of the doll. And, as an honorary Lilo, I had to make myself my own Scrump.

I wasn't following a pattern, it was all trial and error. Once I found the most accurate form, I added the details: the buttons, the belly button (hehehe), the ribbons, the hair... Mine has a smaller head than the original ... but you have to love her just the way she is. 

Now I have her at home within a Stitch mug. It just felt right.

I hope you like Scrump as much as I do!


  1. es superchula! te ha quedado genial, sobretodo por el mimo en los detalles

  2. Es preciosa!disfrútala tanto o más que Lilo, y si te apetece, hazme otra y jugamos juntas!:)



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